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동아출판 고등영어 추가읽기 자료 Unit 4 물리, 화학,생명과학, 지구과학 (23) 지문 23 과학, 철학본질주의와 과학적 설명다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?“Discerning the essence of things” is usually interpreted as meaning that one has identified what is most important. However, the phrase’s familiarity should not lead us to forget that the word “essence” is a vestige of a substantive philosophical doctrine, one that has exercised a considerable influence on metaphysics, both ancient and modern.. 2025. 3. 13.
동아출판 고등영어 추가읽기 자료 Unit 4 물리, 화학,생명과학, 지구과학 (22) 지문 22 과학, 실험실험실 안전 프로그램 개발다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은?Lab managers are tasked with keeping their lab staff safe, which means anticipating and mitigating various hazards around the workplace. Managers must develop a comprehensive lab safety program to protect their personnel, equipment, and products—this will help prevent tragedy, as well as benefit a lab’s bottom line by decreasing product loss and cos.. 2025. 3. 12.
동아출판 고등영어 추가읽기 자료 Unit 4 물리, 화학,생명과학, 지구과학 (21) 지문 21 우주, 과학, 기술우주에서의 플라스틱 재활용다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?Astronauts on the International Space Station (ISS) may soon be able to turn their used forks and knives into tools and satellite parts. An aerospace technology company has developed a system that combines a waste recycling machine with a 3D printer. Astronauts will put plastic waste items into the recycling machine, called the Positrusion re.. 2025. 3. 11.
동아출판 고등영어 추가읽기 자료 Unit 4 물리, 화학,생명과학, 지구과학 (20) 지문 20 우주, 과학, 기술우주 탐사의 어려움과 필요성다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.The big mission on everyone’s mind, Mars, will be more dangerous and expensive than the first Apollo lunar landing in 1969. To get to Mars, astronauts must function in deep space for years and will face huge challenges in doing so. The criticisms of “big missions” in space exploration, which are focused on their high cost, high risk, and low retu.. 2025. 3. 10.
동아출판 고등영어 추가읽기 자료 Unit 03 환경, 자원, 재활용 (19) 지문 19 환경, 오염대기 오염과 지구 온난화다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?Global warming has been an ongoing topic of discussion among scientists and has gained significant public attention during the past decade. A suspected major contributor to global warming is air pollution. To pollute a place means to make it ① unfit for living things, usually by adding waste matter to the air or water. The emission.. 2025. 3. 9.
동아출판 고등영어 추가읽기 자료 Unit 03 환경, 자원, 재활용 (18) 지문 18 환경, 멸종생태계를 파괴하는 외래종다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.(A) In many parts of the world, alien species are harming the environment and causing problems. An alien species is a species of plant or animal that has moved from its original habitat to a new area. (B) Since then, they have grown in numbers so that today they are a major threat to bird life on the islands. While the mongoose mostly feeds on insects,.. 2025. 3. 8.